We’ve come a half way on this China tour. Today is the first day of the event in Shanghai.
A wonderful Shanghai morning with a clear sky. It feels like a fine early summer day while in Japan I heard that it’s extremely hot for May.
イベント会場である「光的空間」に早めに向かいます。今日はライブ・ドローイングにiPad Pro(12.9インチ)を用いるため、機材の接続チェックなどを行います。
We went to the “Light Space” Xinhua Bookstore little bit early because today Terada-san is going to use his iPad Pro (12.9–inch) for his live drawing event and we needed time to check the network connection settings.
Terada-san’s masterpiece which he produced in Guangzhou was displayed at the venue. Behind the artwork, “KATSUYA TEARDA REAL SIZE” was displayed in the shelves in a letter “T” shape. Xinhua Bookstore staff says it’s “T” for Terada. A kind thoughtfulness made my day.
A screen came down from the ceiling.
寺田さんのiPad ProをAirPlayでプロジェクターに接続。全く問題なしです。
We have successfully connected Terada-san’s iPad Pro to the projector via AirPlay. Perfect.
As the starting time approaches, the seats began to fill up with people.
Just before the starting time, Terada-san watches the crowd from the back. An intense moment for all of us except Terada-san who was very much relaxed.
As Terada-san appears, the crowd gives him a big round of applause. Terada-san takes his seat and all at once the audience holds their smartphones.
寺田さん、早速iPad Proでのドローイングを始めました。これはなんでしょうね? 髪の毛に見えます。
Quickly Terada-san begins to draw with his iPad Pro. What this might be? Looks like a hair to me.
これは「大猿王」です! 事前にセンドポインツのAstridさんに、上海で何を描いたらファンは喜ぶかな?と聞いたとき、「大猿王です」と即答したことを寺田さんは参考にされたのかもしれません。
This is “Monkey King”! Terada-san might have taken Astrid-san’s advice. She answered to my question without hesitation “Monkey King!” when asking her what should Terada-san draw that makes fans in Shanghai happy.
What makes today’s event different from the event in Guangzhou is that there is a Q&A session simultaneously while Terada-san is drawing.
Mita-san (center) translates fan’s Chinese into Japanese. Miki-san (left) translates Terada-san’s Japanese into Chinese. Nice teamwork!
At first, everyone was kind of shy and nervous to be the first one but after the first question, the question kept coming one after another. The fans threw many questions at him as if this is their last chance. Just to give you some example, there were questions like “How is it like drawing in digital”, ”What has changed as you gained experience”, ”About the materials you use” and so on.
ひとつひとつ、丁寧に回答する寺田さん。モチベーションを保つには?「ちゃんと風呂に入って寝ること。徹夜はしない。8時間寝ます。」 私は絵を描く前に1時間くらい考えてしまいますが、寺田さんは?「僕も絵を描くのと同じくらいの時間、考えています。寝ているとき、友達と遊んでるとき以外は、いつも次の構図やアイデアを考えています。」 メカを描くのがうまくなるにはどうすれば?「例えば、車は雑誌の連載の仕事を通じて実際の車から構造を学びました。構造を理解すると応用できる。自分の仕事は龍など『実際に無いもの』を描くことだが、長い時間をかけて人体など様々な構造を理解し、無いものを描けるようになった」 絵を志す方にとっては珠玉の言葉の数々を話し続けます。
Terada-san answers each question politely.
Question: “How do you keep yourself motivated?”
Terada-san: “Take a good bath, sleep well and never stay up all night. I usually sleep for 8 hours”.
Question: “I usually think about an hour before I start to draw, how about you?”
Terada-san: “Besides when I’m sleeping and spending my time with my friends, I spend most of the time either drawing or thinking. Thinking about new ideas and layouts and such”.
Question: “How do I get good at drawing mechanics?”
Terada-san: “I was doing a series on an automobile magazine once. That was when I learnt the structure of an automobile from an actual automobile. When you understand the basics you can apply those into something new. My job is to draw something unreal, like a dragon. It helped me a lot spending long hours learning human body and other structures so as to draw something that doesn’t exist”.
Terada-san kept giving word of wisdom to those who wish to become an illustrator.
There was a fan who sent Terada-san a heartwarming message.
“It was because of you that I started learning how to draw and now I have become a professional illustrator”.
The venue was filled with the sound of applause.
While answering each question he kept drawing changing the screen size and its angle. These processes in digital drawing must have been useful to see for people learning how to draw.
Moving on to coloring. Terada-san shrinks the page to paint wide range.
Expands the page when painting in detail.
Just within an hour, while answering to the questions, Terada-san has come this far. From his experience, he decides how much should he finish and can he finish within the given time. He is so professional.
After the live drawing event, the whole process in recording was shown in fast forward. It was a smartphone video recording time for everyone. This is entertainment.
Fast-forward live drawing movie can be seen here!
Finally, a photo time with the audience. What a cool event it was.
There were many couple today.
They are from 7.Game. They interviewed Terada-san in Guangzhou on the first day. The couple both loves Terada-san!
They are all friends. They studied art and now they work together. There is a person holding Terada tableware (a plate with Terada-san’s illustration).
Another group of friends. They are working in a game production company. I realized that many people in Shanghai are making connection with each other as Terada-san being their common master.
A fan bringing many figurines designed by Terada-san and some of his old stuff. Memories from the San Diego Comic Con came back to my mind.
『探偵 神宮寺三郎』をきっかけに寺田さんを知った当時の少年は、すっかり大人になっていました。筆者と同じです。世界は思った以上に、共通する部分があります。絵について寺田さんがアドバイスしてくれた、当時の寺田さんとのメールのやりとりも見せてくれました。20年も待っていてくれてありがとう。
A boy who came to know Terada-san by Jake Hunter was now a grown man. I myself have followed the same path. The world is small. We all have something in common. He showed us a print out of an email. It was an advice on drawing which Terada-san sent him back then. Thank you so much for waiting for 20 years.
Even a bird showed up.
This person who is an art teacher showed us an artwork which made Terada-san’s dragon in 3D! Cool! He was with his student. I was deeply touched by their heartwarming relationship. This is how Terada-san’s legacy is being passed on.
Last but not the least, the illustration Terada-san was handed had a message saying, “You have given me a huge influence in my life studying art. I’m truly thankful for your existence.” (it was written in Japanese)
Thank you so much for trying to convey your message in Japanese. We all would like to give our best regards to you all as well from the bottom of our heart.
Tomorrow (29th), we will again have a live drawing event at “Light Space” Xinhua Bookstore.